Name Hiden

Info Level Experience Last seen
Name Hiden

Voc: Royal Paladin
Premium status: No
180 94,010,800 2024-02-28 15:58:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
25 ?? Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
129 115 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-02-27 21:53:49 162 koenigsegg, by rulercito, by desesperation and by teniente rada
2024-02-24 18:07:57 161 an evil wizard [l: 55]
2024-02-21 19:24:19 161 astarotth, by liloman, by rage melapela and by speedgod
2024-02-18 22:03:21 160 cochina, by rich life, by toy cazando aqui, by yolo violo, by zaint comparsa and by a frost dragon hatchling
2024-02-10 21:21:46 154 a grim reaper, by a destroyer, by a fury, by a dark monk, by a scorpion and by a centipede
2024-02-10 19:08:58 155 liloman, by rataloca, by rulercito, by pedron antrax, by unknown walker and by skywarius
2024-02-06 18:03:18 133 arlett, by dinok, by smithson and by marissaa
2024-01-30 01:33:43 127 handz, by ima, by nut bustugh and by mr steal ya girl
2024-01-29 15:42:17 127 a elder dragon lord, by a grim reaper, by a medusa and by a massive earth guardian
2024-01-27 02:05:05 126 a crypt guardian and by a crypt zombie
2024-01-27 01:56:03 126 krem dela'kreme homie, by black abyss, by o'ili'i o'lii'l o'li'ilii, by jomy, by danysnake, by handz and by name hiden
2024-01-27 01:36:00 126 magick, by black abyss, by danysnake, by liloman and by jomy
2024-01-27 01:27:47 126 jomy, by black abyss, by barbakhan, by danysnake and by kyrios
2024-01-27 01:26:23 126 frankie's, by leito massacre, by black abyss, by danysnake, by krem dela'kreme homie, by makeye, by vitaminas, by liloman, by primo kush, by pedron antrax and by crespy
2024-01-26 22:41:37 126 a elder dragon lord and by a dragon lord
2024-01-26 17:46:12 123 a dragon lord
2024-01-26 14:30:53 112 an illusion cave rat and by an illusion rat
2024-01-26 14:23:12 113 imabeast, by icefrog, by dios yeshua and by a tarantula
2024-01-26 14:17:41 113 rolo tomassi, by artemisia, by nuqahs and by name hiden
2024-01-26 11:55:29 113 rataloca and by casimirotuculeiro
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-06-29 09:00:00 180 94,010,800
2024-06-28 09:00:00 180 94,010,800
2024-06-27 09:00:00 180 94,010,800
2024-06-26 09:00:00 180 94,010,800
2024-06-25 09:00:00 180 94,010,800
2024-06-24 09:00:00 180 94,010,800
2024-06-23 09:00:00 180 94,010,800
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-06-29 0 seconds
2024-06-28 0 seconds
2024-06-27 0 seconds
2024-06-26 0 seconds
2024-06-25 0 seconds
2024-06-24 0 seconds
2024-06-23 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-03-30 10:42:00 still online 90d 21h 13m 180
2024-02-28 03:41:00 still online 122d 4h 14m 161
2024-02-25 00:05:00 2024-02-26 20:13:00 1d 20h 8m 161
2024-02-24 00:00:00 2024-02-24 17:41:00 17h 41m 161
2024-02-22 20:41:00 still online 127d 11h 14m 160
2024-02-22 01:50:00 2024-02-22 02:31:00 41m 160
2024-02-21 22:58:00 2024-02-22 01:24:00 2h 26m 160
2024-02-21 00:00:00 2024-02-21 07:45:00 7h 45m 160
2024-02-19 21:03:00 still online 130d 10h 52m 160
2024-02-19 03:44:00 2024-02-19 04:03:00 19m 160
2024-02-18 00:00:00 2024-02-18 14:58:00 14h 58m 160
2024-02-16 06:13:00 still online 134d 1h 42m 160
2024-02-15 22:48:00 2024-02-15 22:56:00 8m 160
2024-02-14 05:14:00 2024-02-15 22:14:00 1d 17h 160
2024-02-13 04:05:00 2024-02-13 04:36:00 31m 158
2024-02-12 23:33:00 2024-02-12 23:35:00 2m 158
2024-02-11 03:17:00 2024-02-12 19:35:00 1d 16h 18m 154
2024-02-11 02:14:00 2024-02-11 02:22:00 8m 154
2024-02-10 19:19:00 2024-02-11 01:08:00 5h 49m 148
2024-02-07 00:21:00 still online 143d 7h 34m 133